Abyssal Maze

Abyssal Maze is the fifth Dungeon you will unlock. You will require 250,000 trophies and 6,000 Gear Score to first enter this Dungeon. There is a big jump in difficulty between maze and Abyssal Maze. So even when you get 6,000 Gear Score you will want to work on ranking up your Power Stones more and awakening some Hunters before you hop right in. Awakened Hunters will be a big part of this dungeon.

Abyssal Maze only has 5 levels to beat but they are very difficult when starting out. Life Steal effects are reduced by 95%, monsters in this dungeon are resistance to Death Strike, there are two no heal levels, and monsters can be immune to Poison or Fire damage depending on the level.

There are only three monsters to be found in Abyssal Maze besides the boss and they are found on every level. They are pretty straightforward to deal with once you learn how. The most dangerous begin the Abyssal Reaper. If you aren't paying attention and are at the end of the scythes range when they throw it can drop your health very quickly when you are not expecting it.

  • Abyssal Plant
  • Abyssal Reaper
  • Abyssal Slime

This Dungeon is similar to maze where it changes between levels and you will begin to learn the patterns overtime on where this boss is located as you run around. You will use a lot of the same strategies that were used in Maze they just become more difficult now so hopefully you were practicing. You will want to lure as many monsters as you can at once and group them up to kill to increase the experience you are getting.

Also, this mode very much focuses on communication with your partner when picking Hunters. One person should focus on stacking the boss with either Poison or Fire while the other chooses a Reflect Hunter. Once enough stacks are applied the stacking Hunter will stop attacking so the Reflect Hunter can use their reflect to trigger the most Poison or Fire damage. It will be tough starting out in this mode but the quickest way to get your partner to quit on you is not communicating when picking Hunters if you don't have the experience in the mode.

For communication players use the "Thanks!" message from the quick chat window when enough stacks are applied and they are ready to reflect. For example, if you are stacking and have 5,000 Poison stacks on the boss and the other player says "Thanks!" it means they want you to stop attacking to they can begin reflecting. You may want to stick close in the same room or in the next room over in case they die reflecting (especially on no heal stages). This allows you to jump back in the room and keep stacking before the stacks expire as you wait for them to respawn. The other things to know is communication between levels. If a player says "f" or "p" they are asking if you are using a fire set or plan on using poison. Also, you can see the eight Hunters your partner has to choose from and they can see your eight. Players often use numbers to refer to the Hunters rather than typing their whole names out. For example, if you say "245 awake" it means your second, fourth, and fifth Hunter in your list are awakened.

The boss in this mode is the Abyssal Emperor. There is no special abilities except for his melee swing that does AoE damage around where it hits. Depending on Hunters being used and if you are having trouble surviving it can be beneficial for both players to stand by the boss to increase survivability if you are attempting to out heal the damage the boss is doing.

Abyssal Maze Gear Guide

By the time you reach Abyssal Maze you should have a Legendary gear set and depending on your luck maybe a few Mythics. Your Power Stone setup will be changing drastically in Abyssal Maze though. The goal is to replace all stones in your defensive gear with blue Power Stones for damage reduction. So you will have 9 blue Power stones. I find you really start to notice the improved survivability once you reach 60% to 70% damage reduction. In your offensive gear it will be hard starting out but there are a few different builds you will be going for.

Below are some samples of Power Stone setups you can use. It will take time to find enough gear pieces and Power Stones to build the multiple sets. The good thing is as you can see you can use the same Helmet, Armor, and Boots in all three of these sets. The first set you will want to build is a Poison set with Life Steal. You will want one Purple Power Stone, two Green Power Stones, and two Blue Power Stones. That leaves one free slot. As you can see I am running an additional Green for more Poison. You would be able to get more Poison stacks with a third Blue instead of a third Green but you will have to weigh the options depending on how far along you are on building up your damage reduction in your defensive pieces. If you don't have a Fire Set yet it is a good option to put a Red Power Stone in this slot for the Fire damage. This will help you farm experience quicker to level up and will allow you to be a reflector if someone else has a Fire Set. They can stack Fire without you attacking. If you attack you will remove stacks. Once enough stacks are applied you can reflect the Fire damage slowly lowering the amount of stacks but if done correctly can still be used to kill the boss. This first set will originally be used on all five levels of the Dungeon. As you begin to complete other sets you may slowly phase this one out.

The second set you will want to go for is a Fire Set that has over 1000% Burn Effect. This can be done with two level 6 and four level 5 Power Stones. This will give you a Burn Effect of 1050%. You will want to continue to upgrade you level 5 stones to level 6 as you are able. Having six level 6 stones will give you 1350% Burn Effect. Obviously level 7 Power Stones are better but they will take a lot of resources to make and by the time you are considering them you will have these other sets already built out and will just be improving on them. Remember you must communicate with your partner if you are planning on using a Fire Set or else they may consume all of your stacks or be unable to reflect. This set will be best on levels 2 and 4 where there are no healing.

The third set is a Fire Set with healing. Once you have enough high level Power stones you can build a Fire Set with healing. Putting five level 6 Red Power Stones will give you 1125% Burn Effect. If you put a Purple Power Stone in your open slot you will get some life drain as well allowing you to use this set on levels 1 and 5 of Abyssal Maze. I don't have much experience running this set myself. You will get by well with just the full Poison Set and a Fire No Heal set for Levels 2 and 4 but if you want to make the investment you may find some use with this third set as well.

If you want more details on Abyssal Maze gear and guides I recommend the following: Hunt Royale Abyssal Guide

Abyssal Maze Poison Set Abyssal Maze Fire Set - No Heal Abyssal Maze Fire Set - Heal

Abyssal Maze Level Guide

Before I get into the specifics of each level I will cover the effects that are present on all levels. The Abyssal Emperor is immune to Disease and Stun. Both the Abyssal Emperor and all monsters are 95% resistance to the Life Steel effect. This means you will only get 5% health back from the damage done. Also, as usual, the Experience Rate is 100% for all levels.

Level Game Time Boss Health Boss Damage Other
1 4:30 10,000,000 1,000
2 4:30 25,000,000 1,500 No Healing, Monsters immune to Poison
3 4:00 50,000,000 2,000 Monsters immune to Burn and Stun
4 4:00 75,000,000 2,500 No Healing, Monsters immune to Poison
5 4:00 100,000,000 3,000 Monsters immune to Weakness, Disease, and Stun