Battlegrounds - Forgotten Lands
There are two Battlegrounds events that will alternate every few days. The first we will be covering is Forgotten Lands. This
is a PvPvE mode. You are competing against another player for the highest score. You can increase your score by killing
monsters and bosses around the map. Each time this event is active the Rules will change. You can read the rules for each
rotation on the event screen. Also, each rotation has certain Hunters that can be selected. These Hunters will be what ever
level you have leveled them up to as well as have any assigned abilities.
To win this mode you have to receive the highest score. You increase your score by leveling up, killing the other player,
killing mini bosses, killing the final boss, and winning the game. Whichever player dealt the most damage to the final boss
will have their score doubled.
When playing this mode you will start by spawning in your base. You will see some platforms where you can spend coins to level
up, increase your damage, increase your health, and teleport around the map. Remember that your damage and health scale with
your level ups so you are better off purchasing these early. Also, you will heal as long as you are in your base so just return
here if your health gets too low. This map is symmetrical so the other player's map layout will be the same as your own.
You will get coins by killing monsters outside your base. These will start off as easier monsters and become more difficult as
you make your way towards the center of the map. They will start as the first creatures found in biome, up to the strongest
monsters, then Kraken's Might and Kraken's Speed, and finally the Maze creatures Stray Ghost and Stray Skeleton Archer in the
middle of the map. The stronger the monsters you kill the more gold you will gain. You will also get a huge gold bonus if you
manage to kill the other player but be careful because if they kill you it can also put them far ahead.
As you start gaining some levels and have extra gold you can use the portals in the map to teleport back to your base or to
teleport from your base back out onto the map to save time. The closer portal costs 50 gold while the one in the middle of the
map costs 100 gold. There are also two portals that lead to mini bosses found on each side of the map. The portal on the left
leads to the Hunter Vlad. This mini boss has life drain will be too hard to kill at first. Once you are strong enough to defeat
Vlad a Book of Power will drop which will give you life drain for the duration. The portal on the right side of the map
leads to Efreet. Efreet will stack fire damage on you for additional damage. If you defeat Efreet a Book of Power will drop that
gives you the fire effect. Both of these bosses spawn 1:10 after being defeated.
As you are getting stronger make your way to the middle of the map there is a platform on the left side to give you Tentacles and
one on the right that will give you Poison. These are expensive but you should be able to afford them once you reach the middle of
the map. Poison is cheaper but you will want to try to afford at least one Tentacles. This will make the final boss a lot easier. I
recommend once you have enough upgrades to take on the final boss it can be helpful to get the Book of Power from Vlad before
attempting to kill the boss so you will have life drain. Be careful though as you can see the damage done to the boss below your
score. So the other player will know when you are attacking the final boss and can jump and kill you while your health is low and
you are not expecting it.
Points in this mode accumulate every time you play it for the duration of the event. You can review the rewards and leaderboards
including where you fall in each of these boards by clicking the icons on the event page.