
The Maze Dungeon is the fourth Dungeon you will unlock. You will require 1,500 Gear Score and 30,000 trophies to first enter this Dungeon. A big part of Maze is the new Maze Gear and Power Stones that are available. There is a lot of information to cover on these so I have separated them into their own pages rather than trying to cover it all here. I recommend reading the above pages first then I will discuss the gear process for Maze below.

You will find a lot of new monsters in Maze that you haven't seen before. Most of which are reskins of existing monsters but there are some new ones. There are three different monsters you will encounter for each five levels of the Maze. Again, Death Strike will help you a lot when getting started in this dungeon. The one monster it does not work on is the Stray Shade which begin to appear on level 16.

Levels 1-5
  • Stray Ghost
  • Stray Skeleton
  • Stray Crystal Keeper
Levels 6-10
  • Stray Hungry Plant
  • Mimic
  • Stray Boar
Levels 11-15
  • Stray Slime
  • Stray Skeleton
  • Stray Treant
Levels 16-20
  • Stray Reaper
  • Stray Lizard
  • Stray Shade

The layout of this Dungeon changes between levels. You won't know the exact layout or where the boss is located so you will have to be careful you don't run into the boss too early. I've mentioned this in previous Dungeons but it really comes into effect here. When you are having trouble killing these new monsters early on the best thing you can do is stay away from your partner. Run a different direction than them and try to pull as many monsters as you can back to them so they can kill them for experience. It can be difficult to do these big pulls of creatures but as you practice you will get used to it. If you do end up with someone with a lot higher Gear Score than you they will be happier to help you out if you are able to contribute and not get in the way.

The other big mechanic to be aware of as you start getting power stones on your gear is that the main method of killing the boss will be to stack poison. I will dive into poison in more detail on the Power Stones page but the important thing to know is the poison damage is based on the last damage done to the boss before the poison damage ticks every 4 seconds. For example, if you are hitting the boss for 100 damage while your partner is hitting for 1000, if the poison ticks of of their damage it will do a lot more. Just keep this in mind that you can help to add poison stacks to the boss, or keep them if your partner dies and you are waiting for them to respawn, but you can actually hinder your partner by attacking when they don't want you to. As you get more experienced you'll realize some Hunters are better for stacking poison while others are better at dealing big damage or refleting damage for the greatest effect of the poison stacks.

This boss functions the same as the boss in Daily Maze. It will shoot a ranged attack at you if you are far away or swing at you doing an AoE if you are in melee. It also has the ability to Summon, Unleash Souls, and Heal. These are all pretty straight forward. One thing to note about the Unleash Souls effect is that it shoots a ring of fireballs from the boss. If you are far away you will only get hit by 1 fireball or can even walk between them to avoid any damage. If you are close to the boss you will be hit by many at once before they get the chance to spread out which will deal a lot more damage.

Summoning Unleashing Souls Healing

In the Dungeon Intro I mentioned a lot of Hunters that can be used to make your partners job easier. Even if you are having trouble contributing. Good Hunters to use on the No Heal stages are ones that can heal you and your partner, lower the bosses damage, or increase the damage the boss receives. A lot of people like to use Mad Doctor on level 19. You can use your own Mad Doctor if you have him to help increase the disease stacks or The Ripper is also a great Hunter with the weakness ability to cause the boss to do less damage and receive more damage. Mutant Turtle is often used on level 20 as an easy win because of the ability that causes the reflection damage to scale as you add stacks by attacking the boss.

Maze Gear Guide

At first you will begin to get some Common Maze gear as well as some level 1 Power Stones. You will want to equip these gear pieces and be sure to insert the appropriate Power Stones. As you begin to find higher rarity gear pieces you will swap those in and level up your stones when you are able. This is the stage in the game where you will struggle a lot for Gold. You will require Gold to level your Hunters, reroll gear stats, as well as upgrade Power Stones so it can be tricky to find the balance.

Below is a sample of a Power Stone setup you can use. Obviously it will take some time to find higher rarity gear to get the maximum number of Power Stone slots and level up your stones.

Maze Gear Sample

In your offensive gear you will want one Pearl stone for damage, one Purple stone for life drain, and one Red stone for fire damage. You will also want 1 Green for Poison and 1 Blue for Tentacles. You will then have one extra slot to put either another Green or Blue stone depending on what you have available. As you start Maze your priority should be a Purple to keep you alive, a Green so you can stack Poison on the boss, and a Blue to create tentacles as these will help you apply more Poison stacks. As you are able you should add the additional stones. The Pearl and Red stone will help you a lot with killing the enemies for additional experience.

In your defensive gear you will want one Pearl stone for the chance to stun enemies as well as a yellow to increase your movement speed to help group up monsters to kill. The rest of the stones will be personal preference but you will want Blue stones for damage reduction, Green stones for additional health, and Purple stones for additional experience. As your gear and stones level up and you aren't having issues surviving in Maze you will be able to drop some defensive stones (Blue or Green) and add additional Purple stones for example to level up quicker to deal more damage to the boss. You may also find some success with an Azure stone in your offensive of defensive gear if you have the open slots but I do not have much experience playing through Maze with this stone.

Within this Dungeon the Experience Rate is 100% for all levels unless otherwise specified. This boss does have 100% stun resistance so there is no point trying to stun it. Though, a stun power stone will be benefical to help you farm experience and stay alive. Especially as you are starting out in maze.

Level Game Time Boss Health Boss Damage Other
1 3:30 600,000 200
2 3:30 700,000 225 200% Monster Health
3 3:30 800,000 250 No Healpad
4 3:20 900,000 275 Half Exp (50%)
5 3:20 1,000,000 300
6 3:20 2,000,000 400 No Healing
7 3:20 2,500,000 450 200% Monster Health
8 3:00 3,000,000 500
9 3:00 4,000,000 550 No healpad
10 3:00 5,000,000 600 200% Monster Health, No Healing
11 3:00 7,500,000 750
12 3:00 8,500,000 850 200% Monster Health
13 3:00 10,000,000 1,000 No Healpad
14 3:00 12,000,000 1,200
15 2:30 15,000,000 1,300 No Healing
16 2:30 20,000,000 1,400 No Healpad
17 2:30 25,000,000 1,500 200% Monster Health
18 2:30 30,000,000 1,600
19 2:30 40,000,000 1,750 No Healing
20 2:30 50,000,000 2,000 200% Monster Health, No Healpad