Dragon's Dungeon

Dragon's Dungeon is the first Dungeon you will have access to. Dragon's Dungeon is very similar to the Boss Hunt mode. You will want to kill as many monsters as you can to level up but leave yourself enough time to kill the Dragon at the end of the Dungeon. The mechanics are the same as Boss Hunt. The Dragon will breathe fire across the battlefield as well as have circular areas of fire spawn. You can avoid the fire breath by hiding behind the pillars.

The monsters that spawn in this Dungeon are from the monster biomes you are used to. They will start as the easier monsters then progress to the harder ones from each biome as time passes within each level. The hardest monsters from each biome will not appear in this Dungeon. They are Crystal Keeper, Death Knight, Dragon, and Worm Queen.

Within this Dungeon the Experience Rate is 250% for all levels unless otherwise specified. The boss has a constant damage of 40 on all levels as well as 100% stun resistance.

Level Game Time Boss Health Other
1 4:00 100,000
2 4:00 140,000 200% Monster Health
3 3:40 200,000 No Healpad
4 3:40 280,000 Half Exp (125%)
5 3:20 390,000 200% Monster Health
6 3:20 500,000 No Healpad
7 3:00 650,000 No Healing
8 3:00 850,000 200% Monster Health
9 2:40 1,000,000 No Healpad
10 2:40 1,200,000 200% Monster Health, No Healing

Dragon Gear

Common Rare Epic
Dragon Common Helmet Dragon Rare Helmet Dragon Epic Helmet
Dragon Common Armor Dragon Rare Armor Dragon Epic Armor
Dragon Common Boots Dragon Rare Boots Dragon Epic Boots
Dragon Common Weapon Dragon Rare Weapon Dragon Epic Weapon
Dragon_Common_Ring Dragon Rare Ring Dragon Epic Ring