Battlegrounds - Toxic Wastes

There are two Battlegrounds events that will alternate every few days. The second we will be covering is Toxic Wastes. This is a PvE mode. This mode is similar to Undeadgrounds. You will have to use your selected Hunter to kill as many Zombies as possible to get the highest score. Each time this event is active the Rules will change. You can read the rules for each rotation on the event screen. Also, each rotation has certain Hunters that can be selected. These Hunters will be what ever level you have leveled them up to as well as have any assigned abilities.

Toxic Wastes Rules

To win this mode you have to receive the highest score on the leaderboard. You increase your score by killing Zombies. Walker Zombies are worth 1 point, Runner Zombies are worth 2 points, while TRank Zombies are worth 5 points. Also, the book will double your points gained, similar to Undeadgrounds.

When playing this mode you will use whatever gear set you have equipped. Typically this will just be your regular Maze or Abyssal Maze gear until the late game if you are building Undeadgrounds specific sets. Also, any Undeadgrounds upgrades you purchase (e.g. DMG Increase, Cheaper Level Up Costs, Faster Book Spawn, etc) will work in this mode as well. So you will have to work on your Undeadgrounds upgrades and gear if you want to rank high on the leaderboards during this event.

As soon as you start Zombies will begin to swarm at you. You should make sure to try to time the book to pick it up whenever it spawns to maximize your score. You will get gold for killing Zombies which can be spent to level up your Hunter in each of the four corners of the map. Each time you level up the price will increase for that platform only. So your best bet is to work your way around the map in whichever direction you choose leveling up in each corner then moving on to the next. You'll have to watch out for the Poison pools as these will slow you down a lot. If you are poisoned you can grab the Heart to heal yourself a little bit and clear any of your Poison stacks.

The big difference between this mode and the Forgotten Lands is that the Points in this mode do not accumulate every time you play it for the duration of the event. It only takes your best score to be posted to the leaderboards. You can review the rewards and leaderboards including where you fall in each of these boards by clicking the icons on the event page.

Toxic Wastes Leaderboard Toxic Wastes Rewards